Wind turbines in water

About Revolution Wind

Americas first multi-state offshore wind project

Rhode Island and Connecticut are on the frontlines of climate change, and Revolution Wind is key to meeting these states' clean energy goals. It's large-scale, reliable, 100% renewable energy built with local labor and supported by a robust local supply chain.

Building our clean energy future and growing our blue economy
Revolution Wind will supply 704 MW of offshore wind energy to Rhode Island and Connecticut – enough clean electricity to power more than 350,000 homes. With thousands of direct and indirect construction jobs, millions in local infrastructure investments, new education and job training programs, and a growing blue economy supply chain, Revolution Wind is a catalyst for growth. Together, we're building America's clean energy future right here in New England.

The project at a glance

Wind turbine in the sea illustration

Operating in 2026

Construction started in 2023 and is ongoing. The project is expected to be fully operational in 2026.
Construction site in the water

Construction updates

Revolution Wind’s onshore construction phase is well underway, with the offshore scope ramping up soon. See the full timeline for work occurring onshore, a map of the route, and frequently asked questions.

Revolution Wind location in a map

Revolution Wind is located more than 15 miles south of the Rhode Island coast – that’s roughly as far out to sea as the full length of the East Bay Bike Path. It is 32 miles southeast of the Connecticut coast and 12 miles southwest of Martha’s Vineyard.

Construction site

Investing in our ports

Transforming ProvPort, Quonset, and State Pier into thriving hubs of offshore wind activity.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  • What is Revolution Wind?

    Revolution Wind is a 704-megawatt (MW) offshore wind farm located in federal waters 15 miles south of the Rhode Island coast, 32 miles southeast of the Connecticut coast, and 12 miles southwest of Martha’s Vineyard.

    Local construction work on Revolution Wind began in 2023 and the project is expected to be fully operational by 2026, at which time it will provide enough clean energy to power more than 350,000 homes across Rhode Island and Connecticut - the first multi-state offshore wind project in the United States.

  • Who is developing Revolution Wind?
    Revolution Wind is a partnership between Ørsted, a global clean energy leader, and Global Infrastructure Partners’ Skyborn Renewables.
  • How does Revolution Wind help Connecticut and Rhode island meet its clean energy goals?

    Rhode Island has the most ambitious clean energy goal in the nation: 100 percent renewables by 2033. Connecticut has set a goal for 100 percent of the state’s electricity to come from zero carbon sources by 2040. Revolution Wind will help both states meet these ambitious clean energy goals in an affordable way by providing 400 MW of offshore wind power to RI and 304 MW to CT - the first large-scale offshore wind energy source in both states' history.

    ​​​The project will generate enough clean energy to power more than 350,000 Connecticut and Rhode Island homes and displace, by eliminating future emissions, more than one million metric tons of carbon pollution – the equivalent to taking more than 150,000 cars off the road.

  • How does Revolution Wind create jobs, spur local economic development, and support local communities?

    Revolution Wind is a key driver of jobs, economic growth, and investment – both now and in the future. We're creating 1,200 direct construction jobs along with dozens of good-paying, long-term, full-time operation and maintenance positions.

    Additionally, the project is generating thousands of other indirect and induced jobs to support project work – ranging from companies that will monitor wildlife and the seabed around the project to local businesses who provide goods and services.

    We’re making long-term port infrastructure improvements, from building our construction hub at ProvPort, to building our operations hub at Quonset, to redeveloping State Pier into a regional center for the offshore wind industry. And we're supporting offshore wind education, supply chain growth, and workforce development for the growing offshore wind industry in Connecticut and Rhode Island – positioning both states as offshore wind leaders and launching the region’s next great maritime industry.

  • How is Revolution Wind building a local workforce?
    We're committed to building a talented local workforce to support this project and cement the region's continued leadership in the offshore wind industry. We have partnered with organizations such as the Rhode Island Building and Construction Trades, the Connecticut State Building Trades Council, and the Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board to ensure a growing pipeline of talented local workers.

    Additionally, we have partnered with higher education institutions in both states to provide new employee training programs, including a world-class GWO safety training center at the Community College of Rhode Island. And we're working with government agencies and union leaders to provide apprenticeships and other opportunities for more people to pursue purposeful careers in offshore wind.
  • How will Revolution Wind ensure consistency and reliability for ratepayers?
    Offshore wind is an increasingly cost-effective form of clean energy that stabilizes energy prices for customers. It will help to mitigate New England’s winter price spikes, in particular, by diversifying the energy mix and reducing the dependency on natural gas. Both the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission and the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority have approved 20-year power purchase agreements with local utilities for the project.
Boat and wind turbine

Keep Mariners informed

The ocean is a crucial resource shared by many industries. Ørsted aims to create an ecosystem in which offshore wind and fishing can both thrive.

Construction updates

See the project timeline

Find a complete status update and project timeline

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A man with a child on his shoulders

Benefits to the community

Revolution Wind is about more than reliable, renewable energy – it's about local economic investment, educational opportunities, and long-term partnership with Rhode Island and Connecticut.

Revolution Wind in the news  

Check out the latest local news and updates from the project, and keep up-to-date on construction progress, our local investments, and partnerships.
Employee smiling

Get in touch with us

Are you an offshore wind supplier looking to work with Ørsted? Are you looking for more information about Revolution Wind? Our experts are available to answer all your questions.